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Fireworks and Fire Pits

.AAh, fireworks, fire pits and summer! Summer is simply the best time to be outdoors with family and friends, we celebrate the Fourth of July and everyone is looking forward to BBQ’s and the fireworks displays all over our great country Kids out of school, vacations and weekends. What more can we ask for. Well !!! Here it comes —- wait until evening when it cools down and relax around a roaring fire. OK, it doesn’t have to be a roaring fire, but everyone likes to be outside watching the flames dance in front of their eyes. There’s just something about it that draws us like moths to a light bulb.

A charcoal grill, a campfire and especially a fire pit are some ways to enjoy a fire safely outside. If one uses a charcoal grill, build a fire in the belly or leave the grate in and light a fire log on top. A campfire built on the ground should have a dirt moat around it to prevent a creeping flame at ground level and water handy just in case. However, a fire pit is the ultimate in outdoor fires. They come in all shapes and sizes. Stone circles built on the ground, 55 gallon drums cut in half or block and brick structures of all shapes and sizes. They all work, but, a fire pit made of iron or carbon steel can be the ultimate fire pit experience.

An iron fire pit can be small, about 24 inches in diameter, some with designs and fire screens. Some are shaped like a fireplace with a chimney on top, some are on legs with a place to store small logs and some are even gas or propane burners. The price range for these is about $45.00 to $150.00. But, by far, my favorite is the carbon steel models with 36 inches or more to burn in. These models define fire pits. There are designs like antlers, sea creatures, moons and so on. My choice here is a globe with the continents cut into it. It really looks awesome at night. The price range here is a lot higher but well worth it.

If you want to see the whole enchilada of fire pits, go to my web page at . You’ll find a great selection as well as some cool accessories.

As always, safety first, enjoy.

Fireplace Flair,

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