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Spring Cleaning and Your Fireplace

It’s that time of year again and I am not going write yet another article with all the minute details on how to clean your fireplace. However, just like when I paint, I suggest working from the top down. In other words, hire your local experts to clean your chimney. They will do an efficient job and an added bonus is, they will let you know if there are any unseen issues incurred during the winter months. Chimney cracks can lead to water and smoke intrusion. Flues, caps and dampers may have sustained damage and there may be a buildup of creosote among other things. Catching these things early can save money in the long run.
Next, clean carefully. Use tools and brushes accordingly and if you are using a new device or cleaner, pick a test area. There are several things that can make life easier when you decide to clean your fireplace area.
-First of all there exists an ash vacuum. Yes! an ash vacuum. These come in several models and the prices vary quite a bit, from well under $100.00 to over $300.00. Compare and choose the one most suited to your needs. Note that a regular vacuum or a shop vacuum will not do for ash cleanup.
-Pick a drop cloth that suits your needs. An inexpensive cloth drop cloth can be purchased for a one time use then discarded. A tarp, like the blue plastic ones on damaged roofing, can be hosed clean then stored for other uses.
-Soot cleaners are available for most surfaces. Follow directions and most do a good job. But! Consider the source. A partially closed damper during use can hamper the air flow causing soot stains. A simple matter of prevention.
-Here’s a cool tip I read on The Maids blog,
( , sprinkle damp coffee grounds when you are transporting ash from the firebox to the outside.
-Another tip for gardeners, wood ash contains lime, potassium and trace minerals. Scatter it or mix it with compost for great looking plants.
-Finally, there are several fire place logs that actually reduce creosote buildup in your chimney and flue. DuraFlame’s flue-renew is the easiest to remember but there are several similar products. Use as recommended for a sort of clean as you go strategy. These products turn creosote into an easly brushable powder. Again, check them out and pick the one that suits your needs. *For use in a wood burning stove or fireplace only.
Need to spruce up your fireplace area? Be sure to check out our selection of tools, screens, log holders and accessories.
For 2019 we have the Snow Joe 4.8 gallon ash vac featuring a re-usable fine dust cartridge filter and a 3.9 foot hose. Snow Joe is always highly ranked and can be purchased for a very reasonable price. It’s the featured item at Also available on our Fire Pits page is the CSL – Creosote Sweeping Log. Use according to instructions and in wood burning fireplaces and stoves only.
Happy spring cleaning from

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